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Front driveway - Sevenoaks

Design Brief

This stunning renovation in Sevenoaks is an example of what makes landscape design so crucial to an overall project. Working with the architect, Carmen Austin this carefully managed project showcases the possibilities of combining an expert rebuild with a beautifully designed landscape. Early collaboration between the client, the architect and us ensures that site problems aren’t just solved but used as opportunities for creating a landscape which is both practical and relatively low maintenance. Due to the extensiveness of the driveway and the existing gradients, a resin bound solution was easily the most intelligent solution, installed by Creative Landscapes, it provides excellent grip and superb drainage being SUDS compliant (Sustainable Urban Drainage System), allowing rainwater to flow directly into the ground beneath the drive rather than downhill as run off. Soft brick tones beautifully match the resin colour whilst architectural planting complements the modern house frontage.

Before we got to work...


    Just a few of the plants used…

    Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, Deutzia ‘Strawberry Fields’, Festuca ‘Elijah Blue’, Geum ‘Scarlet Tempest’, Hydrangea ‘Teller Blue’, Iris foetidissima, Libertia grandiflora, Mahonia ‘Soft Caress’, Olea europaea, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Phormium ‘Yellow Wave’, Photinia ‘Carre Rouge’, Pittosporum ‘Tom Thumb’, Prunus ‘Otto Luyken’, Salvia ‘Caradonna’, Saxifraga x urbium


    Renovated brick walling, Pecan resin bound surfacing, Grey porcelain paving, Recessed inspection covers, In-colour block rendered walling

    Construction by Creative Landscapes